Before We Start

Here in this blog I’m going to talk about things related with “I Kinda Like Languages” (duh!) and  hopefully I will also throw in a quite a bit of other thoughts and ideas.  To make sure you understand what I am talking about, here’s a short summary of what this all means.

I like languages and I want to know many of them. Oftentimes I’d begin learning new languages while still not being perfect in the ones I had previously been learning. That’s the point: I don’t strive to be perfect in the languages I learn – pure ability to communicate is fine. That’s one side of the coin.

The other side has to do with how I try to learn those languages. I’d want to know the most important stuff in a language. I wouldn’t concern myself with details or phrases for tourists. What  I wanna do is I wanna get at the core of a language and get it from there. That’s the how.

In other words, I just like to take a practical approach to language learning.

What does this have to do with you? Well, a lot. By having this approach and this philosophy as well as some practice, I made this website so I could share this with you. Another thing on my agenda is to actually teach you some of the languages myself or help you find people who do it very effectively (or so I think).

That’s the here, the how and the what. Yet that’s not all what “I Kinda Like Languages” is about. It’s about way more. Or at least I want it to be so. Moreover, I am a bit unpredictable so aside from all the strange stuff you can find on the website already, there’s gonna be more. And disregard the fact that we don’t start with that much content on the site. It’s just for a start. You know… we have to start somewhere.

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