Common European Languages Framework (CEFR) and Vocabulary Size

The Common European Languages Framework does not provide a clear vocabulary size for any of its levels, so we do not know how many knows words are expected at each level. Milton and Alexiou have attempted to do that in 2009. Here’s their table for English and French, with the addition of Greek from them… Continue reading Common European Languages Framework (CEFR) and Vocabulary Size

InterLinear Translations now available at!

I would like to let all of you know of the newly launched site that serves Interlinear book translations for language learners. Interlinear translation is a great and yet undiscovered method to learn languages, and I wish you all to find out about it. So what exactly is Interlinear translation? Interlinear is a translation method… Continue reading InterLinear Translations now available at!

How To Learn The Greek Alphabet

The Greek alphabet has only 24 letters many of which are very easy to recognize and we happen to have borrowed an awful lot of letters from the Greek alphabet for our needs. Whether you want to learn how to read the alphabet to read some Greek signs or remember the names of the letters to impress your friends, it’s easy and worth doing. Here’s how you do it.

How I Learned Portuguese in 5 Months

TThis is a great moment because I have been waiting to write this for the last 3 months or so. Probably more. Also because I did not know whether I would make it. I believe I know enough Portuguese now to say that I have made it so that’s why I’m writing this now. I have managed to learn Portuguese in 5 months and I am going to tell you how I did it here.

How To Learn Japanese

In this post, I share with you some ideas on learning the Japanese language. This is not a comprehensive list, but hopefully enough to get you started.