Introduction to Sambahsa-3: Lesson 10
Verbs with a as their central vowel have an special (and optional) ablaut for the past tense, but not for the past participle: -a- -ie-. So, the preterit of hab = have is hieb (IPA hjeb) = had.
Let’s say The children had fun on the sand.. The normal Sambahsa plural ending is, as in English, -s, but sometimes it can be at odds with the final letters of the substantive. In Sambahsa, child, when it refers to a "young person" (not especially a "descendant"), is magv. To get its plural, we can add an ending specific to living beings : -i, and we obtain magvi (IPA ’magvi). Here, the children are of both genders. Fun is glewos (IPA ’glewos), on is ep and sand is just the same word in Sambahsa, but pronounced following the Sambahsa rules.
?The children had fun on the sand.|I magvi hieb glewos ep id sand.
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