Introduction to Sambahsa-3: Lesson 11
To the exception of -a- verbs, the preterit ablaut is similar to the ablaut for the past participle. Therefore, the past of (oisteigh] (to get (up)) will have the same ablaut as what we saw for yeis. The "oi" at the beginning of oisteigh is an optional euphonic prefix. For example, is oisteight (he gets up) sounds better than is steight.
Let’s translate As he was late, he got into a taxi.. As, when it describes a statement, is dat. Late, when it means "having delay", is skept. Remember that into is do. Use the pronoun is in both clauses of the sentence.
?As he was late, he got into a taxi.|Dat is eet skept, is oistigh do un taxi.
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