By Kugel
Some review from prior lessons.
Before we just used mein for masculine nouns. When mein is used with feminine nouns, you must use meine.
The word for your formal is Ihr. Ihr works just like mein, but Ihr must be capitalized for your formal
Just like mein, Ihr must be used for only neuter and masculine nouns, and Ihre is for the feminine nouns.
Recall that Name is a masculine noun.
So far we’ve only covered the 3rd person singular verbs. Now it’s time to take a look at different persons.
The word for to be called is heißen
Make sure you refer to the german keyboard for the special ß key
Remember that I always introduce verbs in the infinitive.
The word for I is ich
First person singular verbs take e as the ending
Sein is an odd ball just like in English
The word for am is bin
Remember how before we had Er ist nach Berlin gefahren.
The word for no is nein
I hope that you were aware of how the auxiliary changed from bin to habe just like how before in the lessons ist changed to hat
We’ve noticed so far that der changes into den for the accusative. From lesson 2 we already know that das stays das for the accusative. What about the feminine? It’s just as easy as the neuter, it stays the same!
die stays die for the accusative
We went over some of the definite articles in the nominative and accusative cases. Now it’s time to go over the indefinite articles. Let’s start with the neuter.
The word for the child is das Kind. The word for a child is ein Kind
Neuter indefinite articles are easy. Ein is used for both accusative and nominative.
Das can also mean that
The word for who is wer
Let’s say you are having an existential crisis
The word for and is und
The indefinite articles for masculine aren’t as easy as the neuter and the feminine. The feminine uses eine for both nominative and accusative. The masculine uses ein for the nominative and einen for the accusative. Our possevive adjectives we learned so far mein/Ihr follow the endings just like the indefinite articles.
The word for the communist is der Kommunist
der Kommunist is a weak noun so remember the endings!
Capitalist is also just as easy, just change the c into a k.
der Kapitalist is also a weak noun!
Remember that Name is masculine