
Introduction to Lithuanian:
Lesson 10

We have words for I and informal you so let’s learn the word for he now:

Lithuanian for he is jis.

If you remove just one letter you get to say she:

Lithuanian for she is ji.

In fact it works exactly the opposite as it does in English: in English you add one letter in the beginning of the word to make he into she, and in Lithuanian you remove one letter from the end of the word jis to do the same thing.

Let’s learn the Lithuanian word for speaks:

Lithuanian for speaks is kalba.

By a strange coincidence, the Lithuanian word for a language is also written kalba. However, it is pronounced differently: the stress is at the end of the word.

Lithuanian for language is kalba.

When you have the word for kalba, you could do a lot of stuff with it. For example, you could say he speaks it because you already know the Lithuanian word for it. But note: in short sentences like these, the word for it sneaks in in the middle, thus the word order becomes he it speaks.

How would you say:

He speaks it.

Answer: Jis tai kalba.
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