
Introduction to Luxembourgish:
Lesson 6

By campbellfairs

Lesson Six (Sechs) - Pronouns

So far, you've learned Ech and you've learned how to say Tall but you haven't learned how to describe yourself as it.

The word am is sinn

I am tall

Answer: Ech sinn grouss
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But how do you describe someone else?

The phrase You are is Du bass

You are a donkey

Answer: Du bass en Iesen
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She is Si
He is Hien
We is Mir

Just like in other Germanic languages, "they" and "she" are the same word. (Zij / Zij in Dutch) (Sie / Sie in German)

So, They is Si

If you can remember that the words The man is are De Mann ass, you might realise that Are are is kinda similar.

The phrase you are is du bass

You are tall

Answer: Du bass grouss
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This works for singular but pl. you are is dir sidd

You say hien ass and si ass but if you're saying they are, the phrase is si sinn

to have is hunn

I have

Answer: Ech hunn
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you have (sg.) is du hues

You have a donkey

Answer: Du hues en Iesen
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