
Introduction to Modern Greek Topic- Medio Passive Voice:
Lesson 7

By Linas

You learned how to do the present, then the past continuous and as a bonus the future continuous and you also learned to form the past simple in the passive. What is remaining? Well, the future, mostly. We will learn that and some related stuff in this last lesson.

To use the passive in the future tense, you use θα+past root+usual future ending.

Alright, what is the past root? It is simply past without the past ending (without ηκ+(α, ες, ε, αμε, ατε, αν)!

What is the future passive ending then? It’s easy:

The future passive endings are just endings of present active B2 verbs!

One such B2 verb is μπορώ for I can. Just remember its present endings to get the future endings:

he can

Answer: μπορεί
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future passive ending for he

Answer: εί
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we can

Answer: μπορούμε
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future passive ending for we

Answer: ούμε
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If you still have trouble with the future endings, let me tell you that they are as follows: -ώ, -είς, -εί, -ούμε, -είτε, -ούν.

Another way to think about it is this:

The future passive endings are the same as future active endings except a) they have stress while active endings do not have stress b) it’s -είτε in passive instead of -ετε in active for you plural!

Anyway, just remember the endings of the word μπορώ to have the future passive endings! We will not repeat those because you should know them by know already.

Let’s try an example.

Greek for I pay is πληρώνω.

Try to say in the present now:

I am paid

Answer: πληρώνομαι
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You see that it is conjugation A (look at the stress) so the past key, or that is, the THick STick is actually more THick so you will be using θ.

I was paid

Answer: πληρώθηκα
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Did you remember that the thick stick crushes the last sound ν so it disappears? Good.

Now the past root is simply past without the ending (-ηκα in this case). Apply the future ending (that is, just use the appropriate μπορώ ending) to say:

I will be paid

Answer: θα πληρωθώ
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That’s not very hard, is it.

Remember the B2 (thus going B way in the past) κοιμάμαι to say:

You guys will not sleep tonight

Answer: Δεν θα κοιμηθείτε απόψε
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Another challenge. Greek for I think is σκέφτομαι and it is A so it goes through A gate. You will also need to apply either PSI-FACTOR or X-Chromosome in this case (think about this one). Say first:

we thought

Answer: σκεφτήκαμε
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Now if you want to turn it into the future you just get rid of the ending and.. well, you know the story anyway. Say (hint: replace about it with just it):

We will think about it tomorrow.

Answer: Αυτό θα το σκεφτούμε αύριο.
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A final example. Remember that I lose is χάνω. In the past it also becomes THick rather than STick. Try to say:

He will get lost in that city

Answer: Αυτός θα χαθεί σε αυτήν την πόλη
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Right, so you got the future down. Well done! You already know how to do the past, the future and the present and that was what this course was about. You can stop the course now and feel content. Good job.

What I want to do, though, is to add a few more grammatical tenses, just for the sake of completion. If you choose to follow, don’t worry if you don’t get the tenses: you’ll learn them when you’ll need them.

First, let’s get the subjunctive. It’s very much related to the future so there’s no more learning needed, just understanding.

It gets without saying that the subjunctive is the same as the future form (except the θα part) so you got it by learning the future passive tense.

So you as you say θέλω να μιλήσω where μιλήσω is also the same as in θα μιλήσω, for passive you also say θέλω να κοιμηθώ where κοιμηθώ is also from θα κοιμηθώ (as it is related to κοιμήθηκα).

Here is the summary of what we have learned:

To use the passive in the future tense, you use θα+past root+usual future ending.

The future passive endings are just endings of present active B2 verbs so they are as follows: -ώ, -είς, -εί, -ούμε, -είτε, -ούν.

Just like in the active voice, the passive subjunctive (all you use after να) form is the same as the future form.

Good, we got the subjunctive done. This is a good thing. The next lesson will talk about some more grammatical usages of the passive: first we will talk about the have done case and then we will end by learning how to give commands. If you still want to learn those, see you there.