
Introduction to Occidental:
Lesson 13

By PovriNaivon

Let’s talk about word formation in Occidental.

You know the word "evident" in English? "We hold these truths to be self-evident..."

Occidental helps us to understand what this word truly means.

We want to see you

Answer: Noi vole vider te
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So vide means "see".

The prefix ex- means "from out of".

ex + vide = "from out of see"

The ending -nt is the same as the English -ing.

ex + vide + nt = "from out of seeing".

So we have "exvident". But in Latin, ex in front of a consonant squashes the x and it becomes e. Occidental squashes the -x- as well.

It is evident

Answer: It es evident
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Guess what: You just learned how to use the "-ing" ending of all verbs!

In the very first lesson, I said that you don’t need to say these "-ing" verbs to express the present tense.

That is still true. But now you have the option if you want to express a sort of present continuing/current action.

Just remove the final -r and add -nt.

I am eating

Answer: Yo es manjant
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You may have noticed that this form of the verb is used to describe things, though. Think of this more like an adjective.

The word for dog is can

Think of "canine" of course.

The eating dog eats

Answer: Li manjant can manja
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See how that works? The word "eating" sort of describes the dog.

I am thinking

Answer: Yo es pensant
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The word "thinking" is describing yourself. You are thinking.

This is technically called the "present participle" if you want to look it up.

Now what if you want to talk about the act of doing something? For example, "Thinking is good".

In this case, you are using "thinking" like a noun. When we do this, we simply add an -e after the -nt.

Eating food is good

Answer: Manjante nutriment es bon
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The verb for to mean or to signify is significar

If a sign means something, it "sign-ifies"

Literally: "What it means"

What does it mean

Answer: Quo it significa
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If something is meaningful, then it is "signifying".

It is significant

Answer: It es significant
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Amazing, right?

The word for amazing is astonant

Think of "astonishing".

The movie was amazing

Answer: Li film esset astonant
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If you remove the -nt and add an -r, you get the infinitive verb for "to astonish" or "to amaze".

It amazes me that you are thinking

Answer: It astona me que tu es pensant
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There are many more -ant / -ent words that we use in English without even thinking about it. For example, accelerant, existent. These words in Occidental have an internally coherent meaning!