
Introduction to Occidental:
Lesson 4

By PovriNaivon

The word for me as in with me or to me is me

It looks just like English, but be sure to pronounce this like "meh".

There are two complete ideas below. Use the "that" connector to join them in the right spot.

"I want" + "that" + "you want me"

I want you to want me

Answer: Yo vole que tu vole me
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The infinitive of a verb always ends in an -r. If you remove that -r, then you get the present tense.

To form the past tense replace the -r with a -t.

What did you do

Answer: Quo tu fat
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The word for yesterday is yer

Just squish that word down. "yesterday".

Yesterday I ate

Answer: Yer yo manjat
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You may notice that the past tense is almost like adding a "-d" in English for the past tense. Similar sound, right?

The word for with is con

Think of conjunction.

The word for you as in with you or to you is te

In English, we just use "you" for both "you eat" and "I eat with you".

In Occidental, we use "tu" for "you eat" and te for "I eat with you".

(Remember your "thou"s and "thee"s from Shakespeare? It’s the same thing)

I ate with you

Answer: Yo manjat con te
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The verb for to remember is rememorar

Do you remember

Answer: Esque tu rememora
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No, I didn’t eat with you

Answer: No, yo ne manjat con te.
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The word for "now" is nu

Ah, I remember now. You didn’t eat with me

Answer: Ah, yo rememora nu. Tu ne manjat con me
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