By Linas
We have learn the disappearing-ę-words "robię", "mówię" and "lubię". In a way, ę is just like m because it simply disappears and you are done.
There is another category of ę words - changing-ę-words. In changing-ę-words category the ę does not disappear but changes to something.
Talking about this something, that something usually is ie. However, we are going to learn another subgroup where that something is actually not ie but e because these words are more important to us.
So just know that of the changing-ę-words that we are going to be talking about, the ę for ja is going to change to e for on/ona/pan/pani.
Let’s learn this exception word:
Polish for I want is ja chcę.
How would you say:
So to get the on/ona/pan/pani form we simply change that ę to e because it is one of the changing-ę-words. It is easy for you to say:
Polish for for is dla.
This dla changes to into tego and co into czego just like nie does.
How would you ask:
If you connect it and say dlaczego you actually have the word for why (literally: forwhat)!
This makes a lot of sense. How would you ask why doesn’t she want it? which comes out literally as why she it not wants?:
If you say forit (could also mean forthat) you have the word therefore.
How would you say therefore:
Polish for that (as in: I think that ...) is że.
The sound ż is somewhat like that in pleasure.
If you actually say forit that or dlatego że you get the word for because:
Ask a a question:
And answer:
So we have learned that chcę changes to chce because it belongs to the changing-ę-words category. To make the ty form, you simply add that sz as you always do. How would you say informally:
Now chcesz, that’s a mouthful. Still, we have witnessed ę changing to e. Let’s learn another word like that:
Polish for I study is ja studiuję.
Think of it as study + uję. You could say:
Or knowing that...
Polish for there is tam.
... you could even say:
Keep in mind that it is one of the changing-ę-words and in this case it changes to e. How would you ask a lady formally:
Good. Let’s learn another important one:
Polish for I work is pracuję.
Think I have to be a prafessional to work in Poland.
How would you ask informally to a friend (we have here inbetween you and not like we would have tego):
Polish for now is teraz.
Think he is in the terrace now.
The word teraz takes up the same position as the word to/tego or tutaj would. You could say literally (why you now not work?):
Explain yourself:
A bit shabby of an explanation but we’ll take it. In the last lesson, we are going to learn another important changing-ę-word which also has its ę changing to e and we will also learn how to say the polite stuff at the same time. All of that in the next lesson.