
Introduction to Portuguese Basics:
Lesson 8

By Linas

Let’s talk about describing things.

The word for this in Portuguese is este.

How would you say:

This sir doesn’t have time.

Answer: Este senhor não tem tempo.
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What about:

This time is good.

Answer: Este tempo é bom.
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I have this money.

Answer: Eu tenho este dinheiro.
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The word este is masculine.

Actually, the word este is a weird word because it ends with e and still is masculine. Usually describing words (pronouns, adjectives) that end with e work the same for both genders but este is an exception. It should be esto instead of este if it were totally regular but I guess este sounds better. Anyway.

Knowing that it should be esto for the masculine, can you guess the feminine word for this?

The feminine word for this

Now, say:

This lady is good.

Answer: Esta senhora é boa.
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This word

Answer: Esta palavra
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Alright. Now, Portuguese and English are similar in a lot of words. For example:

The Portuguese word for interesting is interessante.

It ends with e and as I have already told you:

Adjectives (i.e. words that describe things) that end with e work for both masculine and feminine words.

So, how would you say:

This word is interesting.

Answer: Esta palavra é interessante.
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What about:

This time is interesting.

Answer: Este tempo é interessante.
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Now, if you wanted to say interesting word or interesting time you would actually switch these and say word interesting or time interesting. This happens all the time in Portuguese. Try it:

An interesting time

Answer: Um tempo interessante
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An interesting word

Answer: Uma palavra interessante
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Knowing that interesting is interessante, could you try to guess the Portuguese word for important:


Answer: Importante.
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It is very important.

Answer: É muito importante.
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It is very interesting but not very important.

Answer: É muito interessante mas não é muito importante.
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You can even say:

The interesting word is important.

Answer: A palavra interessante é importante.
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So, here is how describing things works. We are going to expand this knowledge now.