Welcome! Sambahsa is an international auxiliary language based on Proto Indo-European and created by Dr. Olivier Simon. This course will attempt to teach you some basics of Sambahsa in an interactive way. Let's dive straight into it!
Sambahsa has, of course, sounds that don't exist in English. That's why we shall indicate the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription for some of them. On Wikipedia, under the relevant article, you have access to a full table of IPA letters.
Let's take the word « sellamat », the general greeting formula. « e » (when it is stressed or followed by twice the same consonant) is pronounced e. « a » is a ; an approximative vowel in English is the « a » in « car ». Therefore, « sellamat », which is stressed on the last « a », is nearly « sell-amAt ».
Now, say « hello ! » in Sambahsa.