By mundialecter
A main feature of Sambahsa is that it uses the same word for the definite article (i.e. the in English) and the personal pronoun of the 3rd person. Thus, id both means it in English, and the before nouns of things in the singular. Ex: "the car" = id wogh. So, you understand now that "the (male) friend" is is prient.
As in English, those personal pronouns can have different forms according to their syntactical function. In the accusative (i.e. the object of a verb or after a preposition), is turns to iom, jom, just like English he turns to him. In Sambahsa, this modification will concern the translation of the too.
Sambahsa uses the same word as English for taxi, while driver is weghtor. Then, a taxi driver is taxiweghtor taksiwəg'tor. Please, translate now "Ziad talks with the (male) taxi driver" into Sambahsa.