
Introduction to Sambahsa:
Lesson 61

By mundialecter

You have seen that Sambahsa verbs use conjugational endings. There is also a specific set of endings for the Sambahsa past tense, but these ones can be dropped if the subject is present in the sentence (ex: a pronoun) and if the verb undergoes a change (ex: ablaut, d s) for the past tense.

Let's translate He died because of this/that into Sambahsa. Die is mehr in Sambahsa; to get its past tense (or "preterit") form, this verb undergoes the same ablaut as gwehm. Use the pronoun is before the verb, so that this one doesn't need any ending at all. Because (of) is ob in Sambahsa, and all of this/that is to (This is a special pronoun form with a general value, referring not to a single substantive, but to a whole situation).

He died because of that.

Answer: Is mohr ob to.
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