
Introduction to Turkish:
Lesson 3

By boracasli


The word for good is iyi.

Remember the word is.

Let’s try.

this table is good

Answer: bu masa iyidir
Not correct. Please try again.

this table is not good

Answer: bu masa iyi değildir
Not correct. Please try again.

The word for he, she and it is o.
The word for man is adam.
The word for woman is kadın.

Let’s try.

he is a man

Answer: o bir adamdır
Not correct. Please try again.

she is a woman

Answer: o bir kadındır
Not correct. Please try again.

Let’s return to Adjectives again.

The word for beautiful is güzel.
The word for handsome is yakışıklı.
o adam and şu adam both means that man.

Let’s try (using o instead of şu)

that man is handsome

Answer: o adam yakışıklıdır
Not correct. Please try again.

that woman is beautiful

Answer: o kadın güzeldir
Not correct. Please try again.

And now, use şu instead of o.

that man is not handsome

Answer: şu adam yakışıklı değildir
Not correct. Please try again.

that woman is not beautiful

Answer: şu kadın güzel değildir
Not correct. Please try again.