
Introduction to Uyghur:
Lesson 2

By boracasli

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns in Uyghur are below:

I = men (مەن)

you (singular informal) = sen (سەن)

you (formal) = siz (سىز)

he/she/it = u (ئۇ)

we = biz (بىز)

you (plural) = siler (سىلەر)

they = ular (ئۇلار)

Possessive Pronouns

And possessive pronouns are below:

my = méning (مېنىڭ)

your (singular informal) = séning (سېنىڭ)

your (formal) = sizning (سىزنىڭ)

his/her/its = uning (ئۇنىڭ)

our = bizning (بىزنىڭ)

your (plural) = silerning (سىلەرنىڭ)

their = ularning (ئۇلارنىڭ)

Possessive Suffixes

Possessive suffixes are attached to the noun to indicate the owner. If one of these suffixes increases the number of syllables and there is a or e at the last syllable, these vowels turn to "i". If the word has one syllable and has a or e, these vowels turn to "é". If the word ends in "p", it turns to "b". If the word ends in "q", it turns to "gh". If the word ends in "k", it turns to "g". The consonant changes are generally not applied to one-syllable words.

my = -m, -im, -um, -üm your (singular informal) = -ng, -ing, -ung, -üng your (formal) = -ngiz, -ingiz, -ungiz, -üngiz his/her/its = -i, -si our = -miz, -imiz, -umiz, -ümiz your (plural) = -nglar, -inglar, -unglar, -ünglar their = -liri

balam = my child, but balisi = his/her child, not balasi. béshim = my head (bash + -im), not bashim.

Let’s translate the phrases below using both the possessive pronouns and the suffixes.

The word for homework is tapshuruq.
The word for ear is qulaq.
The word for sea is déngiz.

my ear

Answer: méning qulighim
Not correct. Please try again.

your homework

Answer: séning tapshurughung
Not correct. Please try again.

their seas

Answer: ularning déngizliri
Not correct. Please try again.