
Introduction to Zaitan:
Lesson 3

By Pipno

How to agree adjectives with nouns and how to decline nouns to gender

There are three paradigms: O-A, E-A and O-E (plus the neuter paradigm (no agreement)).

Adjectives almost always follow the O-A paradigm.

Feminine of Bello

Answer: bella
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Graded (Augmentated or Diminished (we will study them later)) nouns and almost always follow the O-A paradigm as well.

Masculine of Gatita

Answer: gatito
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Stems that end I tend to follow the O-A paradigm, and stems that end in U tend to follow the E-A paradigm.

Words that end in -ORE follow the E-A paradigm. They are usually associated with Professions, like Professore/Professora (teacher)

Masculine of Jocatora

Answer: jocatore
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Except Agtore (actor), which become Agtriz (actress) as feminine.

Animals usually follow the O-A paradigm.

Except Elephant: Elephante/Elephanta. (E-A)

Except Dog: Cano/Cane (O-E)

(There might be more exceptions)

Faminine of Gato

Answer: gata
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Or they can use literally the words masuline and feminine with them. Like Uncia Mascio and Uncia Femea.

Masculine of Leopardo Femea

Answer: leopardo mascio
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Neuter adjectives will almost always end in E or in a consonant. Grand is a neuter adjective.

Feminine of Grand

Answer: grand
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Words that end in ISTA are also neuter.

Masculine of Dentista

Answer: dentista
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You will rarely see feminine words that end in O, but they can accour when you have an shortenings like Photo (photograph) and Moto (motorcycle)


You have already studied Plurals and Gender. Now for learning the 11 pure articles, you need to remind yourself of articles in English.

In English, we distinguish between The (definite) and A(n) (indefinite). You already know how to use them.

And we distinguish between A (consonantal) and An (vocalic). You also know how to use them.

In Zaitan, the articles are

Le (consonantal singular masculine definite)
La (consonantal singular feminine definite)
El (vocalic singular masculine definite)
Al (vocalic singular feminine definit)
Les (consonantal plural masculine definite)
Las (consonantal plural feminine definite)
Un (vocalic singular masculine indefinite)
Uno (consonantal singular masculine indefinite)
Une (consonantal singular feminine indefinite)
Unus (consonantal plural masculine indefinite)
Unis (consonantal plural feminine indefinite)

Adjectives almost always come after the noun.

A beautiful photograph

Answer: une photo bella
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Important = Importante (neuter)

An important actress

Answer: une agtriz importante
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Fast = Veloz

The fast motorcycles

Answer: les motos velox
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Car = Carro

A big car

Answer: un carro grand
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