
Introduction to Lithuanian Basics:
Lesson 27

By Linas

This is going to be somewhat of a practical lesson. Just to show your current skills off.

You can use future forms in Lithuanian already:

I will often think about it because I will be here.

Answer: Aš dažnai apie tai galvosiu, nes aš čia būsiu.
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You can make sentences that are pretty complicated as well:

He will say it because he will think that I will not think about it.

Answer: Jis tai sakys, nes jis galvos, kad aš apie tai negalvosiu.
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What is really important for you, however, is to learn to use the future forms of the three important keywords: galėti, turėti, norėti.

These are all very easy.

I will be able to.

Answer: Aš galėsiu.
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You (informal) will have it.

Answer: Tu tai turėsi.
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She will desire it.

Answer: Ji to norės.
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Did you just stop to think what the word for desire was? Well, of course, it’s the same word as for want...

These three words are very important because you can use them to express all kinds of ideas in the future faster.

For example, if you need too much time to figure out how to say “I will think about it”, you can simply say “I will have to think about it” if you have “turėsiu” on the top of your head. Say something similar to this:

I will have to think about it tomorrow.

Answer: Aš turėsiu rytoj apie tai galvoti.
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In a similar manner, you could say:

I will want to sing tomorrow.

Answer: Aš rytoj norėsiu dainuoti.
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Finally, you could say:

You (informally) will be able to use it tomororow.

Answer: Tu galėsi rytoj tai naudoti.
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Of course, if you know the word for to do something, it is very easy to come up with the word for he will do something – just change the t to s and drop the i of but in practice you still use keywords like norės, turės, galės very often so it is nice to be able to recognize them fast. This same thing will also be very true when we will be talking about the past.

For now, let’s simply have a couple of additional example phrases. Remember the ia words?

They are waiting.

Answer: Jie laukia.
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They often ask it.

Answer: Jie dažnai to klausia.
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These ia words are friends of nori and therefore enemies of tai. Well, let’s practice their future:

I will not ask it.

Answer: Aš to neklausiu.
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I am waiting but I will not wait tomorrow.

Answer: Aš laukiu, bet rytoj aš nelauksiu.
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Alright. You are good enough with the future. But, as we are talking about ia words, there is another ia word which you need to know (and you need to know it because it is actually about needing) which we have skipped so far. To effectively use this word, however, you will need to learn a couple of other words as well. We will be doing all of this in the next lesson...