Before we begin learning Russian, we suggest that you learn the Russian alphabet. We will be asking you to translate some things in Russian and to type your answers in the box below. We recommend that you learn and type in the Russian alphabet (you could also set up a phonetic alphabet on your computer so that the keyboard would be almost the same as QWERTY). We even have a Russian alphabet course to help you. But if you prefer, you can also type your answers in Latin characters under the following transliteration scheme (you may want to open in a new tab now and keep open in case you need to refer to it).
And now, let’s learn some Russian!
Russian word for I is я.
Russian for it is это.
Russians don’t really use the words for is, am, are and so on. They just skip them in the sentence.
How would you thus say it is me (which in Russian comes out as it I):